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A novella.
First published in May 2012 in an online edition by Review of Australian Fiction
Republished in 7 Stories, 2 Novellas http://www.inezbaranay.com/?books=7-stories-2-novellas
Surrealistic Pillow is published together with Daniel Stephensen’s story “A Field of Yellow Flowers”. Daniel’s work can be seen at his tumblr Forgetlings
Daniel describes the volume like this: Inez’s piece is a beautiful novella about two teenaged girls in love, in Sydney in the late 1960s. Mine is a short story about two lovers at the end of their relationship, in Bareport at the end of time.
In This Novel
Surrealistic Pillow is set in Sydney in the late 1960s. Two rebellious teenage girls run away from school to join a demonstration against the war in Vietnam, attend a counter-culture party and express their love for each other. Tragic loss, life lessons and the consolations of art follow.
NEW ! ! Surrealistic Pillow is published in a volume together with another novel of the 1960s, Pearl of the Orient. See: http://www.inezbaranay.com/?books=surrealistic-pillow-and-pearl-of-the-orient-two-novellas-of-the-60s
Original publication: Check the Review of Australian Fiction site for news of new distributors, the new DRM-free policy and more developments. http://reviewofaustralianfiction.com
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The Review of Australian Fiction is an online journal dedicated to publishing and promoting Australian writing both locally and overseas. There are four volumes of the journal each year, with each volume containing six issues. Issues, published every two weeks, each contain two stories. The first story in each issue is written by an established Australian author, who selects an emerging author to provide a second story for the issue.
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NEW Surrealistic Pillow is published in a volume together with another novel of the 1960s, Pearl of the Orient. See:
Buy all Local Time Publishing titles at Lulu.com. Go to http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/inezb
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