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3 eras, 3 women: linked by Berlin, performance art, and a poem
In the 1890s young poet Erika Kieler attends the most progressive artistic salon in Berlin to perform her poem inspired by a visitor from the capital of the Ottoman Empire.
In 1989, just before the Wall comes down, punk artist Trudi Zahn performs her own version of the same poem in an East Berlin club.
And in 2009 Lottie Hoffmann prepares to perform Trudi’s work at a cabaret for the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
The story explores the drive for women’s authentic creativity and personal freedom, cross-cultural exchange, interpretations of history, artistic influence, and a universe in which ghosts appear.
Review by Isobel Blackthorn concludes “Ghosts Like Us is a sharply intellectual work, poised, and as avant-garde in its construction as the worlds it depicts. The avant-garde is there for what it attempts to shatter breaks and, ironically, even when the Herr Gustavs of the world seek to destroy the creative soul through jealousy and hatred, Baranay shows that the creative soul will persist, if only as a ghost like us.” Full text of the review here .
In This Novel
More about the story:
In the 1890s, not knowing it will be her last night alive, a young poet Erika Kieler attends the most progressive artistic salon in Berlin, where she performs her poem inspired by a visitor from the capital of the Ottoman Empire, who espouses a progressive vision of internationalism. In 1989, just before the Wall comes down, a punk artist Trudi Zahn performs her own version of the same poem in an East Berlin club and dies that night. And in 2009 an Australian, Lottie Hoffmann, is preparing to perform a tribute to Trudi at a cabaret for the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Erika and Trudi are present in Lottie’s time as ghosts, whose bond has deepened as they travelled through time and many dimensions together. They cause Lottie to connect with Emina, a young German-Turkish researcher, in order to ensure that Lottie will discover Erika’s poem and re-present its vision to the world.
Published for the first time in November 2015.
Published in a beautifully designed paper edition by Local Time Publishing.
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Local Time Publishing edition ISBN 978-1-329-40060-3
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