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In 2006 I set out on a 3-month trip, to be a “one last look” at Europe, last visited half my lifetime ago. I arranged to visit or meet an old friend in each city. The weather was always good. Soon I found myself determined to return to live longer in Europe and the following year began a longer journey, starting with 5 months in Amsterdam and 6 months in Rome, where I began to write this memoir, and where, 29 years earlier, I had written the first draft of my first book.
New York, London, Bristol, Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague, Barcelona all have a chapter devoted to them, and Rome has more.
Other chapters explore themes such as: uncategorised sexuality, the idea of Europe, hybrid identity, family secrets, the self fiction creates, ageing, beginnings, the history of friendships, and a life in which writing has been the centre, the anchor, the constant.
In This Novel
Other titles I considered for this memoir were:
Price to pay. Transition zone. Ratbag life. Cosmic joke. Burnt my bridges. Fantastic nationality. Could you live here?
Some of the chapters have been previously published in periodicals such as Griffith Review; Wet Ink; Antipodes.
Now published by Local Time Publishing in a beautifully designed paper edition, as well as an ebook.
Local Time Publishing print edition ISBN 978-1-329-17041-4
Local Time Publishing ebook edition ISBN 978-1-329-55206-7
See http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/inezb
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