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Delhi. Lecture at GGSI university on 17 March 2023
Arrived in Delhi early on 16 March. On 17 I gave a lecture at the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, having been kindly invited by Professor Vivek Sachdeva, Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. It was a pleasure to meet academics and students there.
LTP publishing newsletter Title To Come
Latest edition of my very infrequent Local Time Publishing Newsletter, with news of the recent biography, some new items about the last novel, and other briefly expressed news, found here
brilliant new essay on Turn Left at Venus
In Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, Vol. 22 No. 2 (2022): JASAL, by independent scholars Leigh Dale and Harper Boon, “Exploring Author-Reader Relationships in Turn Left at Venus”. The full text can be read at the link to the PDF at https://openjournals.library.sydney.edu.au/JASAL/article/view/17118.
The Abstract [same link] says:
The work of Australian writer Inez Baranay is read in the light of Stephen Orgel’s assertion that ‘If readers construct books, books also construct readers,’ and a parallel remark by Elizabeth Webby, that the ‘life/fiction opposition is too simple: the values people act upon in life may, in fact, be derived from novels they have read.’ While making some reference to Baranay’s career as a whole, our focus is the 2019 novel Turn Left at Venus (2019), a structurally complex book about a (fictional) writer of science fiction whose most renowned work is titled Turn Left At Venus. The essay argues that, in reflecting on the making of literary values among those in the book industry, in scholarly environs, and general readers (particularly fans), reading Turn Left at Venus prompts questions about the role of gender, sexuality, cultural and linguistic difference, travel, and genre, as they shape the valuing of books and writers in Australia.
conversation on the biography with Nadia Wheatley 17.12.22
On Saturday 17 December at 4.30 pm, GardenLounge Newtown will host a conversation with me and Nadia Wheatley on Drink Against Drunkenness. Register for tickets (the $5 will be deducted from already discounted book):
Here’s the GardenLounge website: http://gardenlounge.com.au/
Here’s Nadia’s website: http://nadiawheatley.com/
Corrections and ammendments to Sasha biography
On the Facebook page for the Sasha biography, I post comments, corrections, and amendments.
Laurie Duggan remarks on Sasha’s relationship with John Forbes.
Meredith Rogers reveals the source of a photograph we previously found no information on.
Joanna Burns tells the real story of a performance witnessed by Sasha and others at the Tin Sheds in 1977.
Scroll the FB page to find them; more to come
Melbourne launch of Drink Against Drunkenness 19.11.22
A launch was held at the Harehole, Melbourne, on 19 November 2022; again Christos Tsiolkas launched the book with a warm and funny speech, and it was most convivial. Some pics at the FaceBook page for the Sasha biography:
YouTube video of Sydney launch Soldatow biography
Here’s the link for video (by Sandy Edwards) taken of the launch of Drink Against Drunkenness on 19 October 2022, at Kinselas, Sydney:
Here’s where to see reviews and news
All reviews and news about Drink Against Drunkenness are first posted on this FaceBook page (please follow) https://www.facebook.com/sashabiography
special offer to buy Drink Against Drunkenness
Friends, you can buy a copy of Drink Against Drunkenness: the life and times of Sasha Soldatow directly from me, for $25 plus postage, which is $9.70 within Australia, so, $34.70 within Australia. (RRP is $39.99). Send me an email, and deposit either to Paypal or my bank account: BSB: 014734 Account Number: 540512648 inezbaranay[at]gmail[dot]com
Drink Against Drunkenness to be launched soon
Drink Against Drunkenness: the life and times of Sasha Soldatow will be launched soon. Details will be posted here on the NewsBlog (until I can get a new page done under Books: not easy). Am creating a FaceBook page where you can find where to get the book, as well as post additional material, reviews, comments